Thank you Dawn!

I want to express a hearty THANK YOU to Dawn for the donation of a photo box with lights and all the extras. This will allow us to take more professional looking pictures of the chins, supplies, and the jewelry sold on our sister site, .

We have also recently received many individual monetary donations. These have allowed us to stock up on supplies, swap some worn out items with new, add bandwidth to our website and make additional hand crafted chin items for sale on our Supplies and Items page. Check out the updated page! Your purchase(s) helps support the continuation of what we do here at the Menagerie.

I also want to announce that Whimsy's Menagerie & Chinchilla Rescue is now an official affiliate ofAdopt a Whoo hoo! We just keep growing...and growing... and growing.

Mandi Vollmer
And the hunt for Critter Nation cages continues...


Well, another possibly pregnant chin was surrendered on Monday. 

This makes a total of 10 females that are currently with kits or on maternity watch. We are in desperate need of baby safe cages.  Sharon Coffey, proprietor of the Chesapeake Guinea Pig Rescue (757-420-2376), was kind enough to offer us one cage that is suitable. Thanks again Sharon! You rock!

Because the chins on maternity watch have gotten so numerous, we're looking for folks who could donate or trade with us for the stackable Critter Nation brand cages. We could offer a Ferret Nation 142 brand cage, fully decked out with extra deep, chin safe wood bedding liners, plenty of hand crafted shelves and leaping ledges, two hanging 6" tubes, food bowls and water bottles. We have 2, possibly 3 of these set ups we could offer for the same number of Critter Nation cages. The best price we've found on what we're looking for can be found here:

As you can see, both cages are made by the same company and are almost identical. The Critter Nation's much smaller bar spacing makes it kit proof and better suited to our needs.  In exchange, you could get an awesome, chin friendly enclosure completely modified and chin-ready.

More Surrenders

We've gotten a bit behind on pictures of the available chinnies. Our motivation, however, has been renewed with the addition of 6 more surrenders that came in Saturday. A mini-herd of standard grey chins arrived looking for new homes. The herd consists of super friendly mommy and daddy chin, 4 month old brother and sister, and 3 week old brother and sister. Daddy and oldest boy are housed together and get along great! But we certainly don't want any more accidental litters or inbreeding to occur. mom and oldest daughter are on maternity watch while they care for the younger kits.

The surrendering family was told by the pet store people that the first two chins were both boys. *cough* Silly pet shop. Wrong!... again.

New Adoption Record!

WOW! July was a record setting month! Eight (8!) chinchillas went to new homes. Usually we can expect to rehome a single or a pair per month, with Christmas time being the most popular.  However, this July certainly was a winner. Check out the adoptions page for details about who has been adopted and who is still looking for a new home.

Mandi Vollmeradoption