For the month of August, nine (9) chinchillas were surrendered and seven (7) chinchillas were adopted. Most of our summer boarders went home and we now only have five chinnies staying both short and long term. For a brief few days we actually had our dining room free of temporary cages. *cough* I did say "brief", didn't I? Visitors often falsely believe that the welcoming chins are "the rescue"...until they walk into the actual chin room.
We're fortunate enough to have lots and lots of volunteers who are willing and able to help out. This past weekend we had the pleasure of working with a local Girl Scout troop who needed animal service hours to earn a special badge. The girls helped clean cages, cut crabapple and pecan wood, socialize the chinchillas, help make shelves and assemble chew toys from extra parts and pieces for the rescues.
When asked how many of the girls asked their parents if they could have a chinchilla the answer was, "All of them, of course!" ;)